Friday, April 15, 2011

Chapters 10 & 11 Questions

Be sure to answer the questions in COMPLETE sentences.

Chapter 10-
Do you think the rumble was worth the trouble?

Why did Dally want to die?

How do you think the Greasers will end up?

Chapter 11-
Why do you think Ponyboy was ill?

Why did Randy visit Ponyboy when he was ill?

Why did Ponyboy not care that Randy was seeing his house in a messy condition?

Why do you think Ponyboy said he'd killed Bob and that Johnny wasn't dead?


Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter 7 Questions

Answer these in complete form (echo answer).

1.  How were the boys injured?

2.  Why could they be considered heroes?

3.  What additional problem did the brothers face after Ponyboy's return?

4.  What did Randy say kids want from parents?

5.  Do you agree with Randy or would you add some other points?  Tell why.

6.  Give a 2-3 sentence summary of Chapter 7.